
Sunday, August 15, 2010

P90X progress report II

I have purposely waited a while to post again on this subject so as to not become annoying....oops, too late you say? :-P

Ok...I am now at the end of week 6 and I must say, I feel GOOD! I have actually not even needed recovery drinks after work outs and the soreness is definitely there but absolutely manageable and even somewhat enjoyable (I know..craziness)

I have only skipped 3 work outs in the past 6 weeks, which I think I can consider a success given how life has a way of, well, getting IN the way. I even brought the discs with me while out of town and made a friend of mine do Yoga with me (any excuse to NOT have to do yoga alone!).

One thing has changed, I actually switched to the "Lean" program, which is a slightly different version of the "classic" program meant for those who want to burn more calories and get rid of :-)
I had initially considered the lean program when I began but chose the classic because I do enjoy lifting weights quite a bit, but after trying the "Core Synergistics" work out during recovery week and realizing that I absolutely LOVE it I decided to switch to the program that has me doing Core Syn every week :-) in place of one of the lifting work outs.

All this may sound like a lot of blablabla to I will just sum it up.

I love P90X. I love the variety, the challenge and the soreness. I am very glad to have come this far but I do also look forward to continuing and seeing my gains in strength, flexibility, and overall fitness. I am so glad I took my good friend's advice and went for it!
Thanks D.!!!!! :-)


Priscilla said...

Believe it or not...I was waiting to hear from you about this program. My sister also does this program and she likes it too. She suffers from migraines, but she says the program reduces that.

I need to do some sort of exercise program. It seems like I start things and don't stick with them. I'm afraid to invest in another.

Priscilla said...

Do you need to buy any equipment to go along with the workouts-like weights or whatever?

Laura said...

well, it was my fear as well, to spend the $$ and do it for a while and far I can see the value in it and I am keeping with it and enjoying it. What i like about it is the variety and how well rounded it is, it truly covers everything, strength, balance, cardio, flexibility.
If you enjoy cardio classes and lifting weights you will like it.
on the other hand if you are just doing it to "get in shape" but don't enjoy that kind of thing, I don't know if you'd stick with it, but I could be wrong...It is really hard work and it is 6 days a week, so I think the reason I am still at it is because I am really enjoying it.

You would have to either buy resistance bands or dumbbells for the strength training.
You're supposed to have a pull up/chin up bar, I don't have one but I use a resistance band and it works ok, for now :-)

other than that, i bought a yoga mat, but if you have a rug its not really necessary.

Let me know if you decide to do it!!

Priscilla said...

One of the reasons I don't stick with a program is the boredom that quickly ensues for me. Sometimes I don't feel like going out somewhere to exercise...and then there is the cold weather. I have a lot of excuses.
