You shall have no other god beside Me.
That is a pretty straight-forward, clear commandment, I think. It leaves little room for confusion, and yet, I think so many of us, misunderstand.
A god is anything that takes over in our lives, a job we spend way too much time on, a "thing" that we just have to have, a person that matters more to us than God the core of it is, self-worship. If I care more about what I want, need, like, love, than I do about God, that means I am putting myself first.
Don't do that! That's what I told myself this morning. "Don't do that Laura!!!!" I heard Jesus say that to me, with a sorrowful loving voice. Ok, I didn't audibly hear it, but it was a clear message, from Him to me. Don't. Just don't.
There is NO subsitute for Me, my Love, My living water. Don't waste time, effort, tears, don't do that.
He's right, how could He not be? He's God! He knows me, He knows what gets a hold of me tighter than it needs to, and He is asking me not to let that happen. He's number one.
Powerful words, Laura. Thanks for a much-needed reminder.
I believe we all need this reminder from time to time, this blog was basically me reminding myself. Thanks for the encouraging words!
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